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The Most Magical Day Ever!

Featuring Enchanted Entertainment's Perfect Princesses
An extra special tea party!

A sneak peak at our tea party photo shoot!  Beautiful video by Mandy Blake of!  Such a treat for our beautiful princesses and tiny guests to work with the talent, magic, and creativity of Mandy and photographer extraordinaire, Hilary Gauld of!

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© 2025 ***It is not our intention to violate any copyright laws. The characters that we offer are NOT name-brand copyrighted characters. The characters that we have are of our own creation. Any resemblance to nationally known copyrighted characters is strictly incidental and unintentional. We will only accept bookings from individuals who are aware that we do not represent any licensed birthday party character, nor represent them by their licensed name.***​

Website photography by Hilary Gauld, One for the Wall

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